An approved address is an external cryptocurrency address comprised of a unique string of letters and numbers that represents a wallet, exchange, or blockchain address. Each address is used to send and receive a specific cryptocurrency on that cryptocurrency's blockchain, and is supplied by your external wallet provider or exchange.
Approved addresses ensure that cryptocurrency in your Gemini account can only be sent to known addresses. Approved addresses allow you to ban all cryptocurrency withdrawals, or restrict withdrawals to a list of known addresses only. It also allows you to label addresses, making them easier to find and identify.
Withdrawal approved addresses are an optional, self-service security feature available to all Gemini customers with the exception of Singapore customers as outlined below. You can find and configure approved addresses in your account settings here: Approved Addresses
Once you enable approved addresses in your account settings, you’ll be prompted to create and manage your list of known addresses. A number of security restrictions and guidelines will then affect your ability to make withdrawals:
- Once you enable approved addresses, you will not be able to withdraw until there are active addresses on your approved address list. You can leave your approved addresses empty to maintain a ban on all crypto withdrawals.
- For individual accounts, every address is subject to a 7-day approval period before it is activated for withdrawals. For this reason, you may want to withdraw prior to enabling the feature (and/or add known addresses to your approved address list right away).
- On accounts with multiple users, address requests can only be made by account administrators or managers. Requests are subject to a dual-control process, whereby a fellow administrator or manager must approve each request. (This process eliminates the need for the 7-day approval period.)
- As an individual user, you can add addresses, delete addresses, or edit address labels any time through your account settings on the Gemini website. Individual non-custody accounts can disable approved addresses in settings if desired. This process is subject to a 7-day hold for security purposes however users can cancel this change at any time. Once the 7-day hold is complete approved address is turned off and there are no restrictions on withdrawals.
- Custody accounts and accounts with multiple users must contact Gemini Customer Support to disable approved addresses.
For Singapore Customers:
Crypto asset withdrawals will only be permitted to previously approved wallet addresses as of 15 March 2022. This means that all Singapore Customers will need to add approved wallet addresses within their Gemini accounts before withdrawing crypto assets off the Gemini platform. Off platform wallet addresses should be controlled by the customer, and pre-approval of any address will require attestation that the customer controls the identified wallet.