Our order matching engine currently supports the following order types via ActiveTrader™, Advanced Trader, and API:
- Market
- Limit
- Stop-Limit (only for spot trading)
Limit orders can be submitted with a Time in force. Time in force allows you to configure the duration that your order remains active until it executes or expires. Gemini offers the following options for Time in force:
- Good ‘till canceled (GTC): any order quantity that is not filled immediately rests on the continuous order book until it is filled or canceled.
- Maker-or-cancel (MOC): will only rest on the continuous order book before execution. If any order quantity can be filled immediately, the entire order is canceled.
- Immediate-or-cancel (IOC): any order quantity that is not filled immediately is canceled and does not rest on the continuous order book.
- Fill-or-kill (FOK): if the order cannot be filled in full immediately, the entire quantity is canceled. The order does not rest on the continuous order book.
For more information, please see our Marketplace page.
Note: These order types are only available in the ActiveTrader™ and Advanced Trader interfaces.
Learn how to enable ActiveTrader™ here.
Learn how to enable Advanced Trader here.