If you'd like to transfer your crypto to an external wallet or exchange, please navigate to the Withdrawal Page Here and follow the steps below:
- Select the currency from the dropdown
- Select the destination address (this is provided by your external wallet or exchange). If we identify the address as belonging to a non-TRUST VASP, you will receive the error message “Exchange not supported” and you will be unable to proceed.
If we are unable to complete the address attestation with the address you provided, we will require some additional details:
- Destination type. Under the Where are you transferring to section select either ‘An Exchange’, ‘A self-hosted wallet’ or ‘I don’t know’.
- If ‘An Exchange’ is selected then please select the Exchange from the pre-populated drop down menu. The drop down menu contains all TRUST VASP exchanges that you are able to send cryptocurrency to. If the exchange you want to send cryptocurrency to is not in the list then you will not be able to complete the transaction.
- Under the “Who is the recipient of this transfer” header select if the recipient of the transfer is yourself or someone else. If the recipient is not yourself, provide the requested information about the recipient. We will ask if the recipient is an individual or entity, their name and Country.
- After hitting continue you will be prompted to select the purpose of the transfer and confirm whether you want to proceed.
- Input the amount (or use the Max button to transfer your entire balance of the selected asset).
- After reviewing transfer details, select Request Withdrawal.
The withdrawal can only proceed if you approve the transaction on your Authy app (or via SMS depending on your 2FA selection) immediately after requesting to withdraw.
Please note: From the end of December 2024, only transfers of ERC-20 tokens, ETH, and BTC will be supported on Gemini. Whilst you can still freely trade and hold unsupported tokens within Gemini, we will be removing the unsupported tokens from deposit and withdrawal options, with the exception of transfers to and from a self-hosted wallet.
For an overview of all assets available to trade on the exchange and the network they are sent through, please visit this Support Page.