Here are some common questions:
Is this a business account or joint account?
At this time, only debit cards for individual bank accounts are supported on the Gemini exchange. The card holder must be the Gemini account owner.
Is this a credit card?
Only debit cards are supported on the Gemini exchange.
Is the debit card a Mastercard or a Visa?
Visa and Mastercard debit cards are accepted in all of Gemini’s areas of availability.
Is the debit card a prepaid card?
We are not able to accept prepaid debit cards.
Does the billing address entered match what your bank has on file?
Please confirm with your bank and enter the billing address exactly as what is on your bank statement.
Did you enter the correct CVV or security code?
Card cannot be verified if the wrong code is entered. This is a 3 or 4 digit number located on your card.
Did you enter the correct expiration date?
Card cannot be verified if the wrong expiration date is entered.
Have you tried using a different web browser?
Please try using a different web browser or our mobile app.
Do you already have multiple debit cards added to your Gemini account?
At this time, you can only have 2 debit cards added to a Gemini account at a time.
If you are still unable to add your debit card, please contact support or your banking institution.