Before you begin, ensure you have the following on hand:
- Smartphone;
- A valid photo ID: the ID must be not expired. Some examples of documents we can accept are passports, driver's license, National Identity Card from a Country within our AoA;
- Laptop or tablet (optional).
- Although this is not a requirement, we strongly recommend that you download the Authy app onto your cell phone. This app is used for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and increases security.
- Begin the registration process at the page https://exchange.gemini.com/register
- Before signing up, remember too view our Areas of Availability at the link https://gemini.com/areas-of-availability;
- Do not use the same cell phone number or email address as someone else used (eg: family members should use a separate cell phones number and email address);
- Ensure in the Location field you select your Country of residence, rather than your Nationality.
Once you reach the Identity Verification section, ensure you provide a clear photo of your ID
- Scans will not be accepted;
- Ensure the ID is fully readable and unobstructed in the photo;
- If required, provide both side of the ID;
- If you are required to provide a selfie, ensure your face is clearly visible and unobstructed.
- Go to your email inbox and find the email with subject "Please confirm your email address", then press "Confirm email".
- Go back to your email inbox and find the email with subject “Your identity has been verified”, then press "Sign in".