The Expected Liquidation Price is an estimation of the price at which the current product would need to reach to cause a liquidation. This price is based on the current market value of the position you currently hold. It is also a function of positions in other derivatives you hold.
For example, you might have long positions in both BTC-GUSD-PERP and ETH-GUSD-PERP. For the calculation of the Expected Liquidation Price we assume a correlation of 1 between assets. This means we assume both the BTC and ETH perpetual positions to move the same amount when considering the price at which either position would require liquidation. As such, as each asset moves, the liquidation price is recalculated to reflect this.
Estimated Liquidation Prices also do not take into account Funding Payments which could significantly change the price at which the position may be liquidated, it is important to always monitor your Account Margin Assets Value, particularly as this goes below the Initial Margin and approaches the Margin Maintenance Limit. In order to avoid liquidation, reduce risk or add more collateral.